Coaching is a partnership built on trust, collaboration, and respect. As a coach, my role is to partner with leaders to gain insight into the unconscious barriers that keep them from reaching their full potential.
Click below to schedule a free discovery call to determine if I’m the right coach to help you achieve your goals.
Available Assessments
Lumina Spark
The Lumina Spark is a unique assessment that measures 24 personality qualities along three personas - the underlying you, the everyday you, and the overextended you. With Lumina Spark, you have an opportunity to embrace the paradox, recognizing that each of us have complex contradictions even within our own personalities. This assessment can be used for both individual and team awareness and growth.
Lumina Leader
With the Lumina Leader 360, leaders learn where their strengths and growth opportunities lie along four dimensions of leadership - vision, drive, delivery, and people.
Lumina Emotion
The Lumina Emotion assessment looks at four agilities of emotional intelligence - being self-aware, being aware of others, managing your emotions, and taking meaningful action. You’ll learn about your strengths and opportunities along 16 emotional qualities and gain awareness of your emotional reactors and motivators.
Former and Current Client Organizations